31 August 2007

The Weekend Awaits

... but not until classes finish for the day. Yesterday was quite interesting - again, I didn't want to get up, but I did get to class ten minutes early. This lecture class was Introduction to Politics, with Dr. Innes, and I sat in the front row. Because I like sitting in front. The lecture was very interesting -- along with Matt and Matthias, I got to talk a lot. The class encourages participation, which is nice.
New Testament followed Poli, and I was a little less excited about that class. It was taught by a new adjunct - he also pastors in the Village, so he's pretty busy. During class, he offered a T.A. position - to which I applied. I felt it would be a good way to get a better feel of the professor. We did discuss an interesting idea regarding belief circles, and a rather extensive discussion ensued, actually pulling us slightly off track.
We had a forty minute lunch break before Western Civilization, but I made the mistake of going back to the Vogue instead of going to Subway or something like that, putting me in WCiv three minutes early - the last person in class. Western Civ looks like it will be fun as well - the extra credit opportunities were intuitive, and seemed interesting. Anyway, at 1:50, I was done for the day. I went to the King's library for a while to work on Politics, and sat at the same desk as Provost Olasky. That was neat.
Had leftover spaghetti, used the last of the meat for burgers, and had an otherwise slapstick supper. Went up on the roof with Matt after the meal -- talked with Matthias, as well. Then some sophomore girls came up, and Matthias played some of his guitar compositions. We got embroiled in another discussion (I don't remember how it started - it gradually became transubstantiation and later deistic evolution), and I walked off to call Mom. Eventually, Angie came up to invite us to one of the guy rooms, where they were watching the original Die Hard. We all moved downstairs ... I must admit, I fell asleep for part of the movie. I think I got the gist, though.
After the movie ended (around 1:30), Matt and I walked the girls home, and then hit the sack at 2. Good thing there is no class on Fridays ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear you're doing well, Jordan. I've been watching the U.S. Open tennis tournament and every time they show a shot of the ESB skyline I think "Jordan's there!" Haha. Take care of yourself.